5 Planets (Annotated)
Winslow Crater
I captured this image from a low flying space craft that I was in at the time. It was only flying about 7 miles high near Winslow, AZ. Look here for more information about Meteor Crater. Photo taken with my trust X-700 and 28-105 zoom at 35000 feet and 550 MPH.
Full Moon
This image of the full moon was taken on 11 April 1998. 10" f/10 Meade LX6 at prime focus with a Minolta SRT-102. Exposure was 1/125 sec on Kodak Ektapress Multi-Speed (PJM-2). Finally this image was scanned using my HP Photosmart scanner.
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Object: Waxing Gibbous Moon Time & Date: Approx 9:02PM to 9:06PM EDT (1:02 - 1:06 UT) May 07, 2006 Exposures: 216 x 1/60 sec ISO100 Camera: Konica Minolta Maxxum 7D Equipment: 10" f/10 Meade OTA, Meade 0.63 Focal Reducer, and Losmandy G-11 GEM Guiding: None Software: WinMRW, Registar, Registax 4, and Picture Window Pro 3.5.10 Info: This is a stack of 216 (one 2Gb CF card full) RAW images I captured on the evening of May 7th 2006. Stacking was done with Registar in lots of 16 and then the resulting "sub-stacks" were stacked into a final image. The image then underwent a slight amount of wavelet processing in Registax 4. Cropping and resizing were completed in PWP.